Sustainability Sprint
Do you need support in making more responsible choices in your production? Use the Sustainability Sprint tool to utilise the know-how available in your work community when planning sustainability.
Sustainability Sprint is a tool that can help a production or work community to make responsible choices. With the help of the tool, policies and decisions made in the production and the work community will be considered together from different perspectives of sustainable development.
For the Sustainability Sprint, the work community must allocate two hours for a meeting to discuss different decision-making moments to be faced during the production. Sustainability Sprint utilises a template that will assist the team in weighing decisions and their benefits and disadvantages from the perspective of different areas of sustainability: social, ecological and economic responsibility. The tool improves the sustainability awareness of the work community, production or production company and facilitates decision-making. Sustainability Sprint is not a one-off solution but a continuous process.
The tool was designed by Ida Tirkkonen from the Finnish Lapland Film Commission. The tool was created as the final project of a Green Consultant course organised in cooperation with the Finnish Film Foundation, Nordic film institutes and Stuttgart Media University.
Sustainability Sprint steps
- Assemble a team for the Sustainability Sprint (min. two people) and agree on the time of the meeting. The meeting will take two hours.
- Divide the team into groups of two to four people. Each group will receive a Sustainability Sprint template. (15 min)
- Each group will choose one decision-making moment from the production. (15 min)
- The groups will focus on their decision-making moments for one hour, seeking the most sustainable solution when taking into account the perspectives of social, ecological and economic responsibility. (1 h)
- Finally, the groups will meet to reveal their solutions and the thought processes behind them. (30 min)