Guide for Occupational Health and Safety in the Film and TV Production Industry
The guide offers comprehensive information on occupational safety and health for employers, employees, occupational safety and health representatives and managers as well as other people in the audiovisual industry.
The purpose of the Guide for Occupational Health and Safety in the Film and TV Production Industry is to promote health, safety and well-being in the film and television industry. Occupational health and safety refers to activities in which the employer and employees work together to promote health and safety in the working environment as well as the employees’ ability to work.
The aim is to enable a healthy, safe and pleasant working environment for personnel, subcontractors, assistants and volunteers as well as promote a fair, consistent, equitable and open work and management culture.
The guide takes into account the special features of the industry and provides instructions for promoting well-being at work, identifying symptoms of burnout, safety management, and dealing with conflicts in the work community.
Occupational health and safety is subject to and governed by several laws, including: Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002), Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces (44/2006), and Occupational Healthcare Act (1383/2001). In addition to laws and collective agreements, the safety aspects of practical work situations in the guide are based on studies, recommendations, and the practical experience of experts.
The guide was compiled and published by the Centre for Occupational Safety in 2019. The following parties also contributed to the content: Audiovisual Producers Finland – APFI ry, the Occupational Safety and Health Division at the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, Service Sector Employers Palta, the Union of Journalists in Finland, Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland Teme, Finnish Broadcasting Company, in cooperation with: Fisher King Oy, Castrén & Snellman Attorneys, Pihlajalinna Oy, Tmi Mira Seppänen, and Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency TUKES.